A Word Wall (concept art)
Quests are sorted below by their type or starting location.
Quests by Type[edit]
Main Quest[edit]
- Main Quest— Walkthrough for all parts of the game's main quest
Faction Quests[edit]
- College of Winterhold— All quests for the College of Winterhold
- Companions— All quests for the Companions
- Dark Brotherhood— All quests for the Dark Brotherhood
- Imperial Legion— All quests for the Imperial Legion
- Stormcloaks— All quests for the Stormcloaks
- Thieves Guild— All quests for the Thieves Guild
Other Quests[edit]
- Daedric Quests— All quests related to the Daedric Princes
- Side Quests— All quests that are not part of a questline, including four quests related to the Eight Divines, one quest for the Bards College, and nine Dungeon Quests
Official Add-On and Creation Club Quests[edit]
- Dawnguard QuestsDG— All quests added by the Dawnguard add-on
- Hearthfire QuestsHF— All quests added by the Hearthfire add-on
- Dragonborn QuestsDB— All quests added by the Dragonborn add-on
- Creation Club QuestsCC— All quests added by Creation Club Creations
Miscellaneous Quests[edit]
- Miscellaneous Quests— Most miscellaneous quests, i.e., short quests that are displayed in the "Miscellaneous" section of your journal
- Thane Quests— Summary of miscellaneous quests related to becoming a Thane of the various holds of Skyrim, including relevant prerequisites and other information
- Some additional varieties of miscellaneous quest not listed on the "Miscellaneous Quests" page above include:
- Bounty Quests— Miscellaneous quests involving hunting enemies for the Jarls for pay
- Dungeon Miscellaneous Quests— Miscellaneous quests related to specific dungeons
- Tutorials— Miscellaneous quests comprising lessons on the crafting skills
Quests by Location[edit]
- Dawnstar— All quests for the city of Dawnstar
- Falkreath— All quests for the city of Falkreath
- Markarth— All quests for the city of Markarth
- Morthal— All quests for the city of Morthal
- Raven RockDB— All quests for the city of Raven Rock
- Riften— All quests for the city of Riften
- Solitude— All quests for the city of Solitude
- Whiterun— All quests for the city of Whiterun
- Windhelm— All quests for the city of Windhelm
- Winterhold— All quests for the city of Winterhold
- Dragon Bridge— Quests for the town of Dragon Bridge
- Helgen— Quests for the town of Helgen
- Ivarstead— Quests for the town of Ivarstead
- Karthwasten— Quests for the town of Karthwasten
- Riverwood— Quests for the town of Riverwood
- Rorikstead— Quests for the town of Rorikstead
- Shor's Stone— Quests for the town of Shor's Stone
- Skaal VillageDB— All quests for the town of Skaal Village
- Darkwater Crossing— Quests for the settlement of Darkwater Crossing
- Kynesgrove— Quests for the settlement of Kynesgrove
- Old Hroldan Inn— Quests for the settlement of Old Hroldan Inn
- Stonehills— Quests for the settlement of Stonehills
- Tel MithrynDB— Quests for the settlement of Tel Mithryn
- Thirsk Mead HallDB— Quests for the settlement of Thirsk Mead Hall
Orc Strongholds[edit]
- Dushnikh Yal— Quests for the stronghold of Dushnikh Yal
- Largashbur— Quests for the stronghold of Largashbur
- Mor Khazgur— Quests for the stronghold of Mor Khazgur
- Narzulbur— Quests for the stronghold of Narzulbur
Alphabetical List[edit]
- All Quests— An alphabetical list of all quests in the game
Quest Timing[edit]
- Quest Timing— The best times to perform certain quests
- Leveled Item Quests— An alphabetical list of quests which are rewarded with a leveled item
Unfinished Quests[edit]
- Unfinished Quests— Quests that were not completed by Bethesda and are not available in the unmodded game
Achievements related to completing quests are:
- 8 achievements are obtained by completing the main quest.
- 15 achievements are obtained by completing faction quests:
- 3 for the College of Winterhold
- 3 for the Companions
- 3 for the Dark Brotherhood
- 3 for the Thieves Guild
- 3 can be obtained from either the Imperial Legion or the Stormcloaks
- Sideways (20 points/Bronze)— Complete 10 side quests
- Hero of the People (30 points/Bronze)— Complete 50 Misc Objectives
Some categories of quests can be distinguished by the decorative knotwork displayed alongside the quests' titles in your journal.
College of Winterhold quests | Companions quests | Daedric quests |
Dark Brotherhood quests | Dawnguard quests | Dragonborn quests |
Imperial Legion quests | Main quests | Side quests |
Stormcloaks quests | Thieves Guild quests | Volkihar Vampire quests |
- Quests may disappear from the bottom of the list in your journal as other quests and objectives are added or completed. This affects both active and completed quests. Missing active quests are still active and may reappear if objectives are completed, but only the newly completed objectives will appear; old objectives, whether completed or not, won't be displayed. This typically occurs when your total quests (both active and complete) are well over 200.
Mod Notes: Most likely, the limit is exactly 255 when you include completed miscellaneous quests. This is the maximum value that can be stored in a single byte.
- It may be possible to mitigate this issue by completing the oldest active quests first. That way, only completed quests will disappear.
- This bug can also be used to effectively remove infinitely repeating quests such as The Dark Brotherhood Forever or "Talk to the Companions leaders for work" from your quest list. Complete these quests early, and they'll eventually disappear as you complete other quests.
See Also[edit]
- Activities— Gameplay activities, including certain favors for people, for which no information is displayed in your journal
- World Interactions— Random events you may witness while exploring Skyrim, for which no information is displayed in your journal